Snow Day
I'm in the middle of a full library cleanup and came across past memories of my lovely friend Cruz. He passed away a few years ago, still miss him.
This project is for me and my memories, feel free to skip over.
A met Cruz after my wife of 30 years passed away. A good friend of my deceased wife introduced me to her sister also a recent widow. On meeting her dog Cruz I fell in love. She would not give me the dog so I had to marry her.
So this snow day, I was in the yard shooting images of the recent fall of light fluffy snow. I'm not fast with camera, think each adjustment through for the effects I want to achieve in manual mode. Suddenly the middle aged lazy dog decided he was a puppy again and started racing around. I was totally flustered and just started shooting, of course with the wrong camera setup. All these past years these images were viewed as failures, but now with time passing since his death these image take on new meanings of love lost.

The following images, the purpose of the days outing, are now just images with so little meaning whereas the failed images bring so much emotion.